The ISOC Trinidad and Tobago Chapter presents:
Webinar Series: “Conversations with…Shernon Osepa , Director, Caribbean Affairs and Development of the Internet Society”
Date : Thursday 22nd July 2021
Start time 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Internet Society Trinidad and Tobago Chapter presents ‘Conversations with…Shernon Osepa , Director, Caribbean Affairs and Development of the Internet Society’. The conversation is on the present state of the internet and the role the society can play in it’s future development.
About our Speaker:
Mr. Shernon Osepa is the Director, Caribbean Affairs and Development of the Internet Society (ISOC).
Previously he was the Manager for Regional Affairs for Latin America and Caribbean at ISOC. Prior to joining ISOC, Shernon was the Manager Regional Relations Caribbean for ICANN for more than three years. Before ICANN he worked as a Policy Advisor with the Telecommunications & Post Regulatory Authority (Bureau Telecommunicatie en Post) in the Netherlands Antilles for almost 6 years. Previously he worked with the local telecommunication’s incumbent operator UTS/Setel in Curaçao, for almost nine years.
Shernon is a national of Curaçao. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University for Professional Studies in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University for Professional Studies in Enschede the Netherlands and a Master’s degree in Telecommunications Regulation and Policy from the University of the West Indies in Trinidad & Tobago.
He is a co-founder and contributed to the development of the “Caribbean Peering & Interconnection Forum (CarPIF). SIDS(Small Islands Development States), Digital Economy Development, Natural Disaster Mitigation Strategies and Cybersecurity are also key areas of interests. At WSIS 2017 (World Summit on Information Society)he was selected as a High-Level Track Facilitator, representing the global technical community.
He is fluent in Dutch, English, Spanish, Papiamento and has a working understanding of French and Portuguese.
Shernon is based in Curaçao.